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Quriverse[how this New Anime Startup is disrupting the Indian Market in 2023 ]

quriverse founders

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Quriverse is an Anime social network startup  

What is Quriverse?

Quriverse is India’s first anime-tailored social media platform for fans and creators. Quriverse is all things anime – a platform where people can create anime-based groups, enter anime-based chats, and interact with anime-specific creators. The platform also gives space to animators and artists to monetize their content.

The vision of the startup is ‘to build a future where fandom communities can thrive, where fans can come together to celebrate their passions, and  creators can earn a living doing what they love’

The founders believe in the power of fandom to bring people together, to inspire creativity, and to make the world a more joyful place.

The mission is ‘to provide the tools and resources that fandom communities need to grow and flourish, to support creators in monetizing their work, and to foster a culture of inclusivity and respect within the fandom world’

Startup Quriverse
Founded 2020
Headquarters Bengaluru, India
Products Anime Social Network, Fandom
Revenue Model Subscription

How did it start in 2020?

The founders, Abhishek Mehta and Dhawal Agrawal, founded Quriverse due to their passion for football, anime, and other fandoms, and their frustration with the limited and outdated options available online for fans and creators. This Anime Startup provides a platform that addresses the unique needs of fans and creators, offering an engaging and innovative future for fandom communities.

Here is a quick overview of  Quriverse

Where does it stand now in 2023?

The initial days at Quriverse saw low user density and today it has grown to a crowd of 25,000 with 10,000 people using the platform on a daily basis. The engagement rate is growing exponentially as well as recently Quriverse completed a total of 500K messages exchanged on the platform.

Quriverse has recently removed its beta phase and released its web app which is accessible to everyone.

Market Penetration

The team at Quriverse had to face some breakthrough challenges at the commencement of their journey as anime itself is a new and growing market in India. A platform dedicated to anime is a rare concept for Indian investors

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Services Offered.

Anime fans can create their own communities and start their own fandoms. Anime creators can utilize the platform to publish their content. The creators can also create their portfolios in order to receive future commissioning for them.


In the initial days, the founders hired some interns for regular tasks but eventually started building a core team. The startup currently has a team strength of 8 people.

Revenue Model

A part of the revenue model involves subscriptions and microtransactions. The startup is currently in a pre-revenue stage.

Targeted Market

The target market is the entire global fandom population of anime movies and web shows that is currently numbered 150 million. The anime and manga market is estimated somewhere to be around $40 billion, creating a huge opportunity and space for the founders at Quriverse to tap.


The direct competition is with another platform called My Anime List but the founders believe that the platform is still outdated and they are on an edge with a better interface and technology.

Expansion Plans

The team is still at its nascent stage and hence the focus is on the Indian market. The goal is to become a global leader in “anything anime”. The team at Quriverse is working on creating digital assets and merchandise for the communities on their platform

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SWOT Analysis

The strength of the startup is the network that the team has built with respect to the anime communities, whether regional or national or global. The user interface and experience are another plus.

The weakness is the team’s strength and lack of experience as of now. The lack of funds would be another drawback.

The opportunity is huge as the anime and manga market is unorganized and distribution is not maintained. There is a clear-cut scope to broaden the platform.

The biggest threat is takeovers by bigger companies and/or the fact that the big players can build something similar.

Quriverse Funding

The money invested by the founders initially was around INR 50,000. The startup is funded by and Mplier capital and the likes of Mayur Zanwar of TruScholar and a couple of other Marquee angel investors.

Quriverse Founders

Abhishek Mehta is the CEO at Quriverse and has graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.

Dhawal Agrawal is the CTO at Quriverse and has graduated from Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur.


quriverse founders

1.Abhishek Mehta 2.Dhawal Agrawal

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