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Youngineers [How this new startup is helping kids to learn in a practical way in 2023]

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Youngineers is an educational platform for kids.

What is a Youngineers?

Youngineers is an upcoming startup in the educational sector that builds educational kits for children between the ages of 3 to 15. Along with ed-tech, it is also a toy manufacturing company. The startup was founded by the mother-son duo of Payal Lakhotia and Priyansh Lakhotia in 2020.

As a toy company, the startup aims to be more than just a toy manufacturer and be the provider of knowledge for children.

As an Edu-tech company, it wishes to bridge the gap between theoretical and practical knowledge by teaching children the science, engineering, and math concepts behind the toys with our interactive video content.

The vision of this startup is “to have a practical approach to learning for kids rather than mugging concepts in India”

The mission is “to make education interesting enough for children to not run away from it but rather enjoy it”

Startup Youngineers
Founded 2020
Headquarters Mumbai, India
Products Age-based learning toys
Revenue Model Sales

Quick Overview

How did it start?

The founder got the idea of starting Youngineers after he made learning toys for her younger sister to get her acquainted with theories of math and science. When he saw her grasping concepts beyond her age through the toys, it hit him that this could be a fruitful entrepreneurial opportunity.

Area of operation

The startup is currently running operationally from Mumbai but ships its products on a PAN India level, along with 5 other countries.

Revenue Model

The startup’s revenue model is online direct sales via its website and platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, and First Cry.

The material used

The kits are mainly made from wood. All the kits have been tested by the BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards), to ensure they are completely safe.

Educational Videos

In the manual provided with each kit, there is a QR code. Customers can scan this with the camera app, and it will open the list of educational videos on YouTube.


Essentially every toy seller is a competitor to Youngineers but since the startup is playing around with the niche of education along with providing learning videos for children, it is unique on its own.


Currently, the startup runs with a team of 6 people.

Target Market

This D2C startup is targeting kids belonging to the age group of 3 to 15 years.

Sales Process

In the past year, FY2021-22, this Mumbai-based startup has reached sales of around USD 6000+, most of which are online.

Future Expansion Plans

Currently, the founder plans to build a concrete base in the D2C space and be a known brand all around the country. Apart from that, increasing inventory and subsequently managing it efficiently is also the target. In the future, the founder would also like to pivot the startup in the direction of manufacturing electronic toys and goods.

The founder would also like to reach areas of India where children cannot afford such educational kits.

SWOT Analysis

The strength of this B2C startup lies in its product. The videos about, say binary quotations for 10-year-old kids, are something that the toy market needs to focus on in general.

The weakness lies in the fact that this startup has some operational ones, say supply issues now and then. The lack of an offline market could also be one of the weaknesses.

The opportunity is the growth of this market, currently standing at a cumulative of 19-20%. This cumulative is faster than the conventional toy industry in India, standing at 10%.

The threat is new competition, especially the ones coming with a lot of capital.

Youngineers Funding

A couple of lakhs were put in stakes to start the startup by the founder after the prototype was built. It is bootstrapped.


Priyansh Lakhotia is a grade 12 student based out of Pune. He handles product development.

Payal Lakhotia is in charge of Finance, Customer Service, and Material Sourcing.

Rewards and Recognition

The startup was featured in the first season of Shark Tank India. That helped the young founder build a good network of entrepreneurs that has been helping him broaden his understanding of the world of building businesses even today.

The startup got to collaborate with another educational startup called Ask Vidyalaya through Shark Tank India itself.


Who is the founder of youngnieers?

Priyansh Lakhotia is the founder of youngnieers. He is a grade 12 student based out of Pune. He handles product development.

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