EnvoProtect [how this new startup Converting unsegregated landfill waste into Clean Energy in 2023]

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Envoprotect is a Green energy Sustainable Startup 

What is Envoprotect?

EnvoProtect is providing the critical state-of-the-art technology to harness waste to energy technology plants that in the future will reduce the dependency on fossil fuel power generation, helping to build a healthier and low carbon footprint circular economy.

The startup tries to bridge this gap by recycling plastic waste generated from paper mills which otherwise is dumped in landfills. The startup’s workplace culture is based on their five core values Team Work, Problem Solving, Openness, Respect, and Recognition,  founded by Ms.Karishma Shah in 2019.

The vision of the startup is “To make a machine that could pay for itself with the high-end technology driving towards a circular economy to help achieve the sustainability goals.”

The mission is “To create innovative and sustainable solutions for reducing plastic waste thus driving towards a circular economy.”.

Startup Envoprotect
Website envoprotect.co
Founded 2022
Headquarters Pune, India
Products Biomass, Biofuel
Revenue Model B2B

How did Envoprotect start?

EnvoProtect started with the process of converting waste paper to recycled paper. With experience of more than 10 years, the team has been modifying and working on improving techniques for waste management. Today, they take the solid waste directly that is unsegregated that contains plastic scraps, metal scraps and paper pulp together.

The pure plastic is separated first and is put into a reactor that converts it to biofuel with black cover and biogas as by-products. The startup is an R&D extensive one.

Here is a quick overview of Envoprotect


Market Penetration

The market penetration process for EnvoProtect was not extremely challenging because of the founder’s connections and experience. Their principal product, the envoFUEL, a substitute for the conventional oil in the market, is much cheaper and eco-friendly. The real challenge was the execution of the startup and conversion process due to delays in documentation processes and maintaining cash flows.

Principal Products

envoFUEL is a biofuel made out of landfilled waste and is used in boilers & furnaces as a source of green energy thus replacing hazardous fossil fuels. Compared to LDO and FO, it has 10,600 kcal/kg and is 50% more economic. It has 90% less water content and 82.5% less sulfur content.

envoBRIQ is a biomass briquette made out of landfill waste that is used in boilers & furnaces, as a replacement for coal and in the agriculture industry thus giving a transition to green energy. It generates almost 6000 GCV Cal/kg and 50% less ash content. There is 53% less sulfur content, 26.4% less moisture content, and the briquette is 50% more economically viable.

Process of Conversion

Stage 1- Collection: Unsegregated Solid Waste from Recycled paper Mills is brought to the envoPROTECT recycling facility.

Stage 2- Segregation & Processing: This waste is segregated first & put into a reactor for further depolymerization of the segregated waste.


Stage 3- Impactful products: This process generates eco-friendly & patented products named envoFUEL & envoBRIQ which are then used by recycled paper mills & other similar industries.

Targeted Market

This Pune-based startup is been targeting the market of the waste management and conventional energy industries.


The startup is completely bootstrapped right now with some friends and family associated as investors.


Most environment-based conversion industries are currently operating for sustainable plastic but for this Pune-based startup, paper is the niche. Their end principal products are also something that makes them unique in the market.

Expansion Plans

This recycling startup plans to establish more than 100 plants by the end of 2028. The plan is to save 31,000 tonnes of CO2 emission on a per-plant basis.

SWOT Analysis

The strength of the startup is the experience of the team, the end products, and the technology they are building.

The weakness is that there are a lot of compliances to be followed which can sometimes be challenging and government policies can delay many processes.


The opportunity is immense as the world is now becoming more and more aware of climate change, waste management, and the consequences of using renewable resources like fossil fuels.

The threat is the vast amount of stakeholders involved in this environment-friendly startup.

Rewards & Recognition

Felicitated by Shri R. K Singh, Union Minister of Power and Renewable Energy.

Awarded as one of the top 3 Green Tech startups in India.

The startup was a part of the ITCH, the plastic challenge hackathon.

The startup has been incubated by BITS, Goa, and Shiv Nadar University, Delhi.

The team was a part of the top 25 startups at the Innovation awards by IIT Madras.

The founder has been a part of the top 130 entrepreneurs selected by the National Commission for Women, IIM Bangalore.

The team is associated with a program with the senior management of the UNDP for aligning the SDG goals with their vision and mission.


Karishma Shah is the CEO & Founder who has completed her Computer Engineering from MIT Pune and MSc (EBM) from the University Of Warwick, UK.


Where is Envoprotect Llp based?

Pune, Maharashtra, India

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