Trackier( A startup helping the companies by providing software as a service in 2024)

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Trackier is an information and internet startup.

What is Trackier?

Trackier is a Delaware, United States-based startup with over 70 members. The company offers subscription-based attribution tracking and partner management platform to brands, ad networks, agencies, and affiliate networks.

It primarily caters to the performance marketing, mobile marketing, and iGaming industry. Aside from the US, Trackier has offices in India, Singapore, and Dubai.

The vision is “to create a user-friendly, cost-effective, and groundbreaking affiliate management solution catering to performance marketing, mobile marketing, and the iGaming industry.

The mission is “to simplify affiliate marketing for every business owner with our affiliate management and affiliate tracking solutions.

Startup Trackier
Founded 2016
Headquarters New Delhi, India
Products SAAS
Revenue Model B2B

How did it Start?

It started in 2016 out of the college dorm by the founders Faizan Ayubi, Udit Verma, and Hemant Mann.

After identifying the lack of a homegrown attribution tracking solution in India, the trio developed a SaaS-based attribution tracking and affiliate management solution with conversion-based pricing, as opposed to the contemporaries’ click-based pricing which is expensive and unreasonable at times.

Trackier became operationally profitable in just one year. By the end of two years, the company locked in 112 clients from India, the US, MENA, and Europe, with an ARR of $1 million.

Quick Overview Of Trackier 

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Growth Rate

The growth in the initial days was as good as one can imagine. As we mentioned above, 100 customers in just 2 years with $1 million ARR. Operational profit in just 1 year and $5 million ARR in just 5 years (by the end of 2022).

Area of operations

Performance Marketing, Mobile Marketing & iGaming.

Market Penetration

Fortunately, Trackier was accepted really well in the Indian market. We made many clients with just positive word of mouth.

Target audience

Our target audience is brands and agencies who are looking to maximize their revenue via affiliate marketing (or partner marketing). Our market is India, MENA, Europe, and the USA.

The initial idea of Trackier

We identified the gap in the Indian market for a homegrown SaaS that offers attribution tracking, partner management, and anti-fraud tools – all within one offering. Also, the international platforms had click-based pricing that was expensive and unreasonable for the cost of new brands and agencies. Therefore, as a college project, we developed Trackier in 2016 and it received a positive response within a few months.


Appsflyer and Adjust are the potential competition for this startup.

Revenue Model

The startup runs on a B2B subscription-based model.

Expansion Plans

Currently, we’re looking to expand in the American market with our iGaming platform.

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Trackier Funding

The Trackier is a bootstrapped startup so far.


Starting with just three friends, Trackier was fortunate to have found its core team in the very initial phase itself. Word of mouth, LinkedIn, and job placement platforms helped us build our dream team with a total of 75 members.

Trackier Founders

Faizan Ayubi the Co-Founder and CEO of Trackier is a Delhi Technical University Graduate with a Bachelor’s in Technology. Udit Verma the Co-Founder & CMO also graduated from the same college with a Bachelor’s in Technology. They were later joined by another DTU grad Hemant Mann as the Co-Founder and CTO.


What is Trackier all about?

Trackier is a cloud-based platform that helps businesses grow through affiliate marketing. It provides a performance marketing platform for advertisers to create, optimize, and track their marketing campaigns in real time.

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