Vivantaa [how this startup helping to bridge the gap between emerging market and developed markets in 2024]

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Vivantaa is a Fintech startup. 

What is Vivantaa?

Vivantaa offers clients an integrated advisory approach that draws upon strengths in providing strategic and tactical expertise, global reach, critical industry knowledge, structuring, financial innovations, and solutions which was founded by Manpreet in the year 2018.

This finance-based startup helps corporates connect with the right partners for strategic associations and joint Ventures across the globe as well as project identification and initiation.

The mission “is to target the complete ecosystem of trade and finance and supply chain that would help in canceling the gap between developed markets and emerging markets.” says the founder.

Startup vivantaa
Founded 2018
Headquarters Mumbai, India
Products Financial Services
Revenue Model B2c

How did it start?

She realized that there is a huge gap between the developed market and the emerging markets.

So she thought that it would be a great opportunity for her to set up a platform that could bridge this gap between emerging and developed markets. And that is why Vivanta Capital was born in 2018.

It was born to address the gap. Then, it was 1.3 trillion dollars globally. And then India has a huge gap as there are many emerging markets in India. Since 2018 they have been working towards this goal and have been growing.

This finance-based startup works selectively on M&A opportunities in the following key segments across the world. Vivanta takes pride in being one of its kind niche providers of Liquidity for Corporations through bespoke Trade Finance and Supply Chain Finance Products. They customize and create bespoke structures suited to our client’s requirements.

Be it around their inventory, procurement, or sales, to Receivables they have a single window solution for all the needs of the client.

Vivantaa Overview

Vivantaa flyer

How tough was it for a woman entrepreneur?

The field is very niche and there are only 3% women in this fin-tech sector. On top of it, there were many competitors and it was a male-oriented sector it was hard to get credibility.

Besides that, even for the lowest strata of the hierarchy, hiring talent will be difficult considering the financials at that time. This leads to more difficulty. Initially, there have been many questions about leadership and management.

Vivantaa Growth rate

In the beginning, Manpreet did not have any support or experience with entrepreneurship when she was beginning. But definitely, went through a lot of incubation and she went through the School of Courage in 2018 which was a one-year-long programme for entrepreneurs.

She also had a lot of conversations with a lot of mentors so that she could learn what entrepreneurship is and how she can contribute her skills and values to her company. In 2018 and 2019 she got selected for IIM Bangalore which was an entrepreneur women’s program. She has learned about entrepreneurship a lot in Kuwait and other programs.

Whatever value she has contributed to her company has all been communication of what she learned in these courses and programs. When she started she was alone and she had few mentors in the line to help her through. They were guiding her coaching her and explaining to her how transactions take place.

She was able to expand her customer base so she started with the Indian market and then expanded to markets outside India. She was able to get clients from Dubai, Cambodia, Africa, and many other places. In India, she became a global operations and then started working with markets outside India.

She was able to deploy a lot of financing for her clients in the company, they have physical contracts with a lot of clients and most of them are part of the global market. They have 200+ Wenders which they have been interacting with.

Currently, the start-up has a team of five people. In terms of industry, they have been expanding and or adding more commodities. The growth has been quite enlightening with limited resources they have reached a lot of accomplishments and a good amount of growth. They have reached a growth of 25% in two years.

In the third year, they have doubled it. They have faced upheavals during the COVID-19 pandemic time. overall growth has been great and the trend has been great according to the rate of financing.Vivantaa screenshot

Revenue model

This finance-based startup started an advisory company that has a consulting model for their partners who are working with them. Then it started with the trading and distribution services. Presently this fin-tech-based company has 2 to 3 revenue models and these revenue models are mutually exclusive yet inclusive among each other.

So it’s supporting the overall system of the start-up. It is not subscription-based but there are times they have a timed-out contract with a particular company in which they have an agent model and work through that area.

The specialization is to understand the company and understand every angle and aspect of that company to solve the problems. The main aim is to provide a proper price point that can benefit the company or keep in mind its profits and losses.

Market Penetration

Manpreet says that there is a huge amount of pressure and the journey of entrepreneurship can be very lonely and stressful.

So there are periods that we have to sustain and the management of it is very individual-based. Manpreet says that when she started Vivanta she didn’t get any funding initially. But the best part about entrepreneurship is that you can make your own calls and decisions.\

If they are innovative and can understand the market then growth will always be promised.


Any financial or fintech business can be considered as competition.

Expansion Plans

The main aim is to connect with the import and export trade business. This financial tech company is trying to connect with lenders and create a new ecosystem and is trying to understand the market better.


Strength is the internal capability that they have developed about the market and to understand the dynamics of the market.

Weakness is the need for funding.

Vivantaa swot

Opportunity is that this is the right time for financing business especially for the global business.

The threat is that in India the word advisors have deteriorated and are less valued. So since there is no entry barrier anybody can get in which leads to disastrous reputation issues for startups like Vivantaa.

Vivantaa Funding

In India, services and advisory are not funded and now this finance-based company is moving from digital service and is coming to a product-based business. Right now, this fin-tech-based company is bootstrapping but in the future, they are looking forward to funding.

Vivantaa Founders

Manpreet was a working professional for 16 to 17 years of her life. She was doing event management roles in these years in global multinational organizations as director at Cetera. She was always inspired by people who were entrepreneurs.

She observed that they were so creative and it is very inspiring to be an entrepreneur. Then she left her job and then she started with the intention of being an entrepreneur.

She doesn’t have a background in entrepreneurship and she always has exposure to working in a job environment in a middle-class family. She did not know how to communicate or how to collaborate with other founders as an entrepreneur.

But then as the deal started coming in she started giving to the customers and slowly and gradually started learning the crux of entrepreneurship.


What is Vivantaa?

Vivantaa offers clients an integrated advisory approach that draws upon strengths in providing strategic and tactical expertise, global reach, critical industry knowledge, structuring, financial innovations, and solutions.

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